Mungkin banyak dari teman-teman yang belum tahu atau belum pernah mendengar Kyungpook National University, kan? Melalui blog ini, aku akan mengajak teman-teman lebih mengenal kampus yang berada di daerah Daegu tersebut. Siapa tahu bisa jadi inspirasi teman-teman, ya?
Kyungpook National University (경북대학교 [gyeongbuk daehagkyo] disingkat KNU atau 경대 [kyungdae] ) adalah sebuah universitas nasional yang mempresentasikan Kota Metropolitan Daegu dan Provinsi Gyeongbuk di Korea Selatan. Pemilihan kata Kyungpook sebagai nama universitas bertujuan untuk merepresentasikan ejaan lama daerah Gyeongbuk.
Kyungpook National University didirikan pada bulan September 1946 dengan meng-upgrade Colleges of Education, Medicine and Agriculture di Daegu ke National College. Pada bulan Oktober 1951, Colleges of Education, Medicine, Agriculture, Liberal Arts and Sciences, Hukum dan Ilmu Politik digabungkan menjadi Kyungpook National University. Departemen lain termasuk Teknik dan Kedokteran Gigi didirikan secara berurutan dan bergabung dalam Kyungpook National University.
KNU memiliki 22 jurusan untuk Undergraduate School (S1) dan 14 jurusan untuk Graduate School (S2), seperti berikut:
Undergraduate Program :
College of Humanities
College of Social Sciences
College of Natural Sciences
College of Economics & Business Administration
College of Engineering
College of IT Engineering
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
College of Music and Visual Arts
Teachers College
College of Medicine
College of Dentistry
College of Veterinary Medicine
College of Human Ecology
College of Nursing
College of Pharmacy
College of Ecology and Enviromental Science
College of Science and Technology
School of Health and Welfare
Global Leaders School
School of Public Administration
Undeclared Majors
School of Science Technology, Biology and Undeclared Majors
Graduate School :
The Graduate School
Graduate School of Education
Graduate School of Public Administration
Graduate School of Business Administration
Graduate School of Public Health
Graduate School of Industry
Graduate School of Agricultural Development
Graduate School of International Studies
Graduate School of Policy and Information
Graduate School of Forensic and Investigative Science
Graduate School of Science and Technology
School of Dentistry
School of Medicine
Law School
Selain undergraduate school dan graduate school, KNU juga memiliki beberapa program yang bisa diikuti mahasiswa international, seperti : Academic Degree Program (Undergraduate dan Graduate), Exchange Student Program, Summer School Program, Double Degree Program, Visiting Scholar Program, Visiting Student Program, Global Challenger Program dan Korean Language Program.
Kira-kira Kyungpook National University bisa menambah wishlist kampus nya teman-teman atau gak, nih? ^^
Fore more info bisa langsung ke yaaa..