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Rekomendasi Tempat Belajar Bahasa Rusia Bogor

Gambar penulis: Sulistyani AgustinSulistyani Agustin

Recommended Places to Learn Russian in Bogor - International standard curriculum from Russia with the international certified and experienced teachers. Available for students of Elementary, Junior High and Senior High School. The students will get counseling periodically for monitoring the progress and the constraint that will be monitored by the online academic system. Online and Offline Class are available. For you who want to study in Russia, firstly, you need to learn Russian Language by taking a course in your city. This is very important because you will comprehend the materials given and you can communicate to local people in daily life. Russia is recognized by its language which is unique and the best quality education in which the fee is free. It makes Indonesian youth try hard to study there. Beside of its education, the culture and the social life are also interesting, too.

For people who live in the east of Bogor like Baranangsiang, Katulampa, Tajur, Sukasari, Sindangrasa, Sindangsari, Tanah Sareal people like Cibadak, Kayumanis, Kebonpedes, Kedungbadak and its surrounding and also the south, the north, the west and the central of Bogor and its surroundings, for beginners can start studying from the first basic up to the next level at Kukche Languages Padjadjaran which is located on Jl. Padjadjaran No. 60 E East Bogor and at Kukche Languages Bogor Ahmad Yani which is located on Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 124 Tanah Sareal. Both of places are pretty strategic for Bogor people. Beside of that, Kuckche has branch offices in Jakarta, that is at Kukche Languages Jakarta Selatan that is Conclave Arteri on Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda No. 17 South Kebayoran Lama Sub-district, Kebayoran Lama District, South Jakarta, Jakarta, Kukche Languages Jakarta Utara which is located on Jl. Kelapa Hibrida Blok QK1 No. 27 and Kukche Languages Bandung Eduplex that is on Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 84 Lebakgede, Coblong District, Bandung, West Java.

  1. Junior Class is for students of 11 to 19 years old

  2. Adult Class is for students of over 20 years old

  • The curriculum is imported from Russia so the materials that is learnt has been suitable with the standard and has become a favorite material for foreigners who study in Russia.

  • The compatible and certified teachers of C1 with having experiences minimally 2 years in teaching. They are capable in teaching method and emphasizes on fun learning activity without ignoring the learning target that will be achieved.

  • Guaranteed in passing the TORFL International test through tryout method so you can be more confident.

  • Monitoring the learning progress is done periodically by online academic system which is possible for students and parents to know and monitor the academic score in the class.

  • Online Class and Offline Class are available in which based on the students’ need.

  • The students maximally consist of 3 people per class.

  • The learning duration is amount 3 hours/week with the duration 2x (weekday schedule) and 1x (weekend schedule).

  • Following the fixed schedule of Kukche Languages.

  • Focusing on Fun Learning method and emphasizing on fun activities to make the class fun or not getting bored.

  • Monitoring the academic score and counseling periodically.

  • The payment can be paid 2 times (2x) or per month with the third party (Edufund/Tokopedia).

  • The certificate can be used for applying a job (if you can pass the final competency).

  • Online Class is available.

  • The students do not need to wait for a long time for 2-3 months for studying because it can be started earlier.

  • The learning speed is according to yourself so you can be more intensive and focus.

  • Quality of the book materials, classrooms, services and teachers are guaranteed and can make you satisfied.

  • Student Support Service.

  • The students consist of 1-2 people per class.

  • The duration of learning is amount 3 hours/week which is 2x (weekday schedule) and 1x (weekend schedule).

  • Good for you who need to study intensively and need to achieve level target so you can go abroad faster.

  • The flexible schedule that refers to the students’ need. Free for cancelling the class which is based on the valid rules without losing the time schedule.

  • Facility: VIP with high priority.

  • Fun learning method which emphasizes on fun activities so the class will not be boring.

  • Monitoring the academic score and counseling periodically.

  • The payment can be paid 2 times (2x) or per month with the third party (Edufund/Tokopedia).

  • The certificate can be used for applying a job (if you can pass the final competency)

  • Online Class is available.

  • The students do not need to wait for a long time to study because they can start studying earlier.

  • The learning speed is determined by yourself so it can be more intensive and focus.

  • VIP level support for progressing your study and also for studying or working abroad.

  • The quality of book materials, classrooms, services and teachers are guaranteed and make you satisfied.

  • Bonus: Free snack everyday per meeting.

ERNEST LAKSAMANA W, "Studying at Kukche, the materials are suitable with my needs and I like the teacher, Mr. Alfonzo because he always makes me understand an comprehend in studying Russian. The facilities are also great for studying and the staffs are also cooperative as well. I highly recommend this place for your Russian Course!"



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